Rap Console

rap console is a utility tool that is provided by Ruff SDK. It simplifies the development process of Ruff and allows developers to test hareware devices or software interface.


Application has been started on the board.

  • Please click here to know how to write a Ruff application.

Application Deployment

Deploy your application to development board and start.

rap deploy -s

Start Console

Please run following command to start the console. It will connect the applicaiton that is running on the development board.

rap console

If everything goes well, you will see followings as prompted.

Connected to the application.

Interaction in Console

You can input JavaScript statement on the console. For example, turn on the LED on board as follows:

> $('#led-g').turnOn();

Regular JavaScript statement is allowed also:

> var i = 1;

Exit Console

Please press Ctrl-C twice to exit the console.